Electronic Lodgment Declaration (Partnership) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This declaration is to be completed where the tax return is to be lodged via an approved ATO electronic channel. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to retain this declaration for a period of five years after the declaration is made, penalties may apply for failure to do so. Privacy The ATO is authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to request the provision of the tax file numbers (TFN’s). The ATO will use TFNs to identify each partner or beneficiary or entity in our records. It is not an offence not to provide the TFNs. However, you cannot lodge your tax return electronically if you do not quote your TFN. Taxation law authorises the ATO to collect information and disclose it to other government agencies, including personal information about the person authorised to sign the declaration. For information about privacy go to ato.gov.au/privacy The Australian Business Register The Commissioner of Taxation, as Registrar of the Australian Business Register, may use the ABN and business details which you provide on this tax return to maintain the integrity of the register. Please refer to the privacy statement on the Australian Business Register (ABR) website (www.abr.gov.au) for further information- it outlines our commitment to safeguarding your details. Electronic funds transfer- Direct Debit Where you have requested an EFT direct debit some of your details will be provided to your financial institution and the Tax Office’s sponsor bank facilitate the payment of your taxation liability from you nominated account. Tax File Number *Date *Tax Year *Name of Partnership *I authorise my tax agent to electronically transmit this tax return via the electronic lodgment service. Important Before making this declaration please check to ensure that all income has been disclosed and the tax return is true and correct in every detail. If you are in doubt about any aspect of the tax return, place all the facts before the Tax Office. The tax law provides heavy penalties for false or misleading statements on tax returns. Declaration: I declare that: The information provided to the agent for the preparation of this tax return, including any applicable schedules is true and correct, and The agent is authorised to lodge this tax return. Signature of PartnerDate signed by Partner *Name of Partner *Submit