Individual Tax Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Tax Year *Title *Family Name *First Name *Other Names *Date of Birth *STREET ADDRESS No. *Street *Suburb *P/Code *Home Ph *Work Ph *Mobile *Email *Occupation *Tax File Number *SPOUSE DETAILS Name *Spouse Date of Birth *Taxable Income *INCOME - Write Yes or No Are you a Sole Trader or Contractor *Did your Bank pay you interest on Savings or Term Deposits *Do you have any Shares or Dividends *Did you receive Newstart /Sickness/Age or Carer Payments *Were you paid Parenting or Maternity Payments via Centrelink *Did you receive Super Income Stream or Lump Sum Payments *Do you own a Rental Property or Granny Flat *Is the Rental 100% yours or shared *Are you in a Private Health Fund *Do you pay Income Protection Insurance (Not Via Super) *Do you owe HECS (HELP) or Student Loans *How many Dependant Children do you have *WORK EXPENSES Do you use your car for work purposes *Do you launder your Work Uniform *Does your work involve working outdoors & require Sun Protection *Did you do Courses/Training/ Seminars or Workshops *I hereby authorise My Tax Agent/ Accountant; 1. To endorse for and on my behalf any Income Tax Refund payment received on my behalf and receipt into a designated Trust Account. 2. If Fees are not paid on the day my Tax Return was completed and signed it is acknowledged that I have a debt to My Tax Agent/Accountant. 3. I authorise you to deduct from my Tax Refund any unpaid Fees or charges, and any other debts owing by me to My Tax Agent/ Accountant. Then to remit the balance of any proceeds, if any, to me at my last known address or Bank Account. 4. In the event that the situation arises where there is no refund or insufficient refund to enable Fees & Debts to be deducted then I undertake to pay these Fees & Debts within 14 days My Tax Agent/Accountant receives such notice from the Taxation Office. 5. I acknowledge that failure to PAY any Fees or Charges in relation to my Tax Return, and any other Debts owing by me to My Tax Agent/ Accountant will result in Legal Action taken against me to recover the amounts owing. I will also be held liable for any costs incurred in the recovery of the Fees including Commercial Agent’s Commissions being 35% of the debt which is recoverable from me pursuant to this agreement. 6. I acknowledge that any unpaid Debts will attract Interest at the rate calculated by the Court. 7. To the best of my knowledge at the time of preparation of my Income Tax Return I have declared all my Income including but not limited to Bank Interest, Centrelink Income, Pensions & Overseas Income. My Tax Agent/Accountant is not responsible for any income not declared on my Tax Return. 8. I have provided valid information in regards to my deductions and accept any responsibility should any deductions be found not valid. All due care and skill has been taken by the Accountant to only include deductions appropriate for me and may decline deductions I have provided based on their Professional opinion and Taxation ruling. 9. I acknowledge that during the preparation of my Income Tax Return where I have provided many receipts that are not tallied then an additional charge may apply for Bookkeeping. This includes receipts for Business Activity, Rental Properties & Work Related Expenses. 10. I acknowledge that at other times I may be charged other Fees for Work or Services provided as My Tax Agent/Accountant see fit. I am also aware that there will be charges for providing additional copies of Tax Returns requested by me. I also understand that it is my responsibility to retain copies of all paperwork supplied as I will be charged additional Fees for retrieval and photocopying. If I request paper work to be emailed this will also incur Additional Fees and is to be paid upon request. It is my responsibility not to misplace any Taxation or Financial Paperwork. 11. If the Accountant feels that it is important to amend my Income Tax Return I authorise this to be carried out without further consultation. 12. If in the future the Accountant feels the need to Lodge Income Tax Returns as “Not Required” or Lodge Returns with Income under the Tax Threshold or Lodge Returns with no income where the Tax Portal will not allow my Return to be marked “Not Required” then I authorise this with or without further consultation in order to ensure my future obligations are met with the Taxation Office to avoid penalty. If any refund is received for either of these Lodgements then I authorise my Tax Agent/Accountant to deduct any Fee in whole or part as compensation for fulfilling my Taxation Obligations. 13. I authorise my Tax Agent/Accountant Staff with or without consultation to myself to deal with the Taxation Office on my behalf as deemed necessary in the future. 14. If this authority is not signed then it is accepted that you agree o these terms based on you supplying your paperwork to proceed with your Tax Return. 15. It is understood and agreed that these terms may alter or additions included without my knowledge. All terms and conditions are made available in the Office at all times. Signed By Taxpayer or Authorised Representative: *AppointmentAppointmentImportant Notice: Please ensure that your receipts are submitted to us prior to your appointment, as we are operating on a strict schedule. ---------------------------- Complete return on receipt formComplete return on receipt formImportant Notice: Please ensure all deductions are clearly listed in the "Notes for Accountants" box (e.g., Work From Home, Motor Vehicle Use, etc.). If you have any questions, please contact the office. ---------------------------- Receipts being emailed separately to: being emailed separately to: for the AccountantBANK DETAILS Account Name *BSB *Account Number *STAFF USE New Client OR Repeat Referee: Staff: EXPENSES Fill in amount or 0 (zero) also forward receipts to ToolsDonationsTaxiSun GlassesShoes (Specific Type)Expenses - MobileStationaryTollsUniformComputer/LaptopInternetAccommodationSun ProtectionBoots (Protective)Fill InSubmit